Monday 30 March 2020

March 30, 2020

Good morning everyone,
Happy Monday. I’m making this a weekly thing, if you haven’t noticed already. I hope you’re getting adjusted to life closer to home for the time-being. It’s very important that we all continue to do our part by keeping our distance from each other,  and listening carefully to government regulations.

This week, I’m posting the answers to section two (and section one) of the Optics unit for Gr. 8. The answers to section two (and section one) of the Electricity unit for Gr.9, as well as the completed copy of the notes for our Sciences Humaines 9 carnet.

I’ve heard from a few of you now, but I’d love to receive more email from you guys, whether that’s questions that are curriculum related, or just saying hi and filling me in on what you’ve been up to, and things you’re doing to stay occupied in social isolation. 

Talk soon!
Monsieur Thorne

Monday 23 March 2020

March 23, update!

March 23, 2020

Good day everyone,
I’m here in my living room this morning. Drinking coffee out of my Saints mug.
It was a strange week with all of the updates and impromptu plans that we’ve all been putting into place or taking part in.
I hope everyone has been finding the silver lining of being forced to stick around your home base. I’ve been keeping positive and being as active as possible.

I’ve been eagerly waiting for more direction from our school district in terms of the curriculum, and I’ll be updating you (and my website) as soon as more information is available. In the meantime, I just wanted to let you know the plan, as it stands for now.

So, essentially, the plan is for the district to deliver as much of the curriculum as possible, remotely, and available at your own pace. However, it’s very understandable that some of us aren’t ready to move forward with academics just yet, and that’s OK. Approach this stuff when you’re ready and don’t feel obligated to do anything you’re not ready to tackle. Family is the most important thing right now. Regardless, if you ARE ready to move forward, our school’s Science carnets are available on my website, and I’ll release them a little at a time, so provide some sort of timeline for you. When we left school, we were just beginning the properties of light. You’ll notice that the slides for those are now up on my website, and by the end of this week I’ll be posting the answers to the first section of our module carnet. If you want to access the textbook online, you can view it here, for free! 

Again, as your teacher, I’m telling you that I’m very aware that academics may not be at the top of your list just yet. However, I’m just a message away if you want to get cracking, and the resources will be available to you. 

Cheers for now, and take care of yourself and your loved ones. 

Mr. Thorne

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Hi everyone!

Hi folks,
I hope everyone is doing alright at home. We never got to say goodbye, and we never got more fish yet for Rm.123. However, we'll be OK ☺.

While we get used to the new normal, I want to stress to you, my students: stay calm, don't worry; we will get through this together. 

While we may roll out our curriculum in a different way, you are still a student of MDJH and you still have a community of support through myself and ALL of your teachers. 

Please check on each other often, email me with good news stories, and reach out to people who you think would like to hear from a friend or family member. 

Stay tuned to my blog, as I'll be using this, my "website" (yup I used quotation marks there.. quoting myself) to roll out anything school related. Don't forget about our school website:, and our Twitter account @mdjh. It's also a good idea to keep an eye on your school email.

We'll be in touch.

Mr. Thorne